Earth Monochromatic 1
rgba(246, 214, 182, 1)
hsla(30, 78, 83, 1)
Earth Monochromatic 2
rgba(238, 185, 129, 1)
hsla(30, 76, 71, 1)
Earth Monochromatic 3
rgba(230, 153, 71, 1)
hsla(30, 76, 59, 1)
Earth Monochromatic 4
rgba(197, 115, 27, 1)
hsla(31, 75, 43, 1)
Earth Monochromatic 5
rgba(144, 84, 20, 1)
hsla(30, 75, 32, 1)
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
My Styles
H1: main page heading
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- Font-size: 26px
- Font-family: Noto Serif Display
H2: Subheading
- Font-weight: 500
- Font-size: 18px
- Font-family: Noto Sans Display
P: paragraph text
- Font-weight: 400 (regular)
- Font-size: 14px
- Font-family: M Plus Rounded 1c